This event is now closed.
Register now for this two-day virtual workshop on magazine fundamentals for early-career print and digital journalists.
ASME and ASME NEXT members: Full workshop: $145 | Thursday or Friday only: $95
Nonmembers: Full workshop: $245 | Thursday or Friday only: $145
Interested in joining ASME NEXT? Join today.
Thursday, November 14
In this session, a veteran editor schools attendees in the fundamental skills of magazine journalism
Every successful career in journalism begins right here
Heds, deks, pull quotes, captions – learn how display type separates magazine stories from just plain words
Learn how to turn ideas into stories and get them published
How to make a successful career on your own
Friday, November 15
Learn how to use digital technology to create compelling longform journalism
Learn how to use data to tweak your editorial content and drive audience growth
In today's fast-evolving media landscape, journalists are increasingly expected to be versatile multimedia creators. Join us for a workshop focused on video, where we will explore the essential skills writers need to excel in the realm of video journalism. We’ll also dig into various video formats and speculate on the future of video journalism, from the next two to ten years
Speaking aloud–it's both the oldest and newest form of storytelling. In this session, learn how to create podcasts that engage the audience and leave a lasting impression
It's not just for branding. Learn how to use social media to do journalism