This event is now closed.
Register now for this two half-day virtual workshop on magazine fundamentals for early-career print and digital journalists.
Attendance is $100 for both days for ASME and ASME NEXT members ($135 for nonmembers); $60 per day ($75 for nonmembers); or $25 per session ($35 for nonmembers). Interested in joining ASME NEXT? Join today.
Thursday, November 5
In this session, a veteran editor schools attendees in the fundamental skills of magazine journalism.
Learn how to profit from magazines' and websites' increasing reliance on shoppable content
Heds, deks, pull quotes, captions—learn how display type separates magazine stories from just plain words
Friday, November 6
Come prepared with a pitch and learn how to turn ideas into stories and get them published
How to make a successful career on your own
Every successful career in journalism begins right here