VIDEO Honors the outstanding use of video by magazines and websites
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WINNER Business Insider Nicholas Carlson, Global Editor in Chief “How Dogs Are Trained to Attack US Prisoners,” by Hannah Beckler, Olivia Nemec, Robert Leslie, Noah Lewis and Erica Berenstein, October 10

Mother Jones Clara Jeffery, Editor in Chief “Reading Racist Comments,” March 25, “‘White People’” July 28, and “MLK on Israel-Palestine: In His Own Words,” by Garrison Hayes, @motherjonesmag on Instagram

The New Yorker David Remnick, Editor Paul Moakley, Executive Producer “Swift Justice,” by Victor Blue and Ross McDonnell, September 6, and “Nina & Irena,” by Daniel Lombroso, November 15

Polygon Christopher Plante, Editor in Chief “Gang, We’ve Gotta Stop Killing JFK,” by Simone de Rochefort, May 18, “What Are VTubers, and Why Do I Love Them?” by Christina “XTINA GG” Gayton, August 10, and “Video Games Explain the Supply Chain Crisis,” by Clayton Ashley, August 24, @polygon on YouTube

ProPublica and The New Yorker Stephen Engelberg, Editor in Chief, ProPublica David Remnick, Editor, The New Yorker “The Night Doctrine,” by Mauricio Rodríguez Pons and Almudena Toral, November 3, @propublica on Vimeo