GENERAL EXCELLENCE, NEWS, SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT Honors publications covering society and culture as well as politics, business, science and technology see finalists
GENERAL EXCELLENCE, SERVICE AND LIFESTYLE Honors publications covering fashion, food, travel, design, health, parenting, personal finance and active sports see finalists
GENERAL EXCELLENCE, SPECIAL INTEREST Honors publications serving highly defined reader communities, including city and regional magazines see finalists
GENERAL EXCELLENCE, LITERATURE, SCIENCE AND POLITICS Honors publications with print circulations under 250,000 or average monthly unique visitors of less than 1 million, as well as magazines and websites covering media and the arts see finalists
DESIGN Honors overall excellence in the art direction of magazines and websites see finalists
PHOTOGRAPHY Honors overall excellence in the photo direction of magazines and websites see finalists
PODCASTING Honors the outstanding use of audio content by magazines and websites see finalists
Honors the outstanding use of video by magazines and websites see finalists
SINGLE-TOPIC ISSUE Honors magazines and websites for the comprehensive examination of one subject see finalists
SERVICE JOURNALISM Formerly Personal Service Honors print and digital journalism that addresses readers’ needs and aspirations see finalists
LIFESTYLE JOURNALISM Formerly Leisure Interests Honors print and digital journalism that celebrates readers' passions and interests see finalists
REPORTING Honors reporting excellence as exemplified by one article or a series of articles see finalists
FEATURE WRITING Honors original, stylish storytelling for magazines and websites see finalists
Honors news or feature stories that explore the character and background of an individual or a group of closely linked individuals see finalists
COLUMNS AND ESSAYS Honors interpretative journalism, including political and social commentary and essays on the personal experience of the writer see finalists
REVIEWS AND CRITICISM Honors commentary on the arts as well as reviews of products and services see finalists
PUBLIC INTEREST Honors magazine and web journalism that illuminates issues of national importance see finalists
ASME AWARD FOR FICTION Honors magazines and websites for excellence in the publication of short fiction see finalists
ASME NEXT AWARDS FOR JOURNALISTS UNDER 30 Honors outstanding achievement by early-career magazine and web journalists see honorees
ASME Awards for Design, Photography and Illustration BEST PRINT DESIGN Honors magazine art direction as exemplified by one example of work see finalists
ASME Awards for Design, Photography and Illustration BEST DIGITAL DESIGN Honors the design and architecture of websites, apps and social media as exemplified by one example of work see finalists
ASME Awards for Design, Photography and Illustration BEST NEWS AND ENTERTAINMENT PHOTOGRAPHS Honors the visual coverage of politics, business, sports and technology as exemplified by one photograph or a series of photographs see finalists
ASME Awards for Design, Photography and Illustration BEST SERVICE AND LIFESTYLE PHOTOGRAPHS Honors the visual coverage of fashion, food, travel, health, parenting and active sports as exemplified by one photograph or a series of photographs see finalists
ASME Awards for Design, Photography and Illustration BEST PROFILE PHOTOGRAPHS Honors individual and group portraits see finalists
ASME Awards for Design, Photography and Illustration BEST NEWS AND ENTERTAINMENT STORY Honors the visual coverage of politics, business, sports and technology as exemplified by one article see finalists
ASME Awards for Design, Photography and Illustration BEST SERVICE AND LIFESTYLE STORY Honors the visual coverage of fashion, food, travel, health, parenting and active sports as exemplified by one article see finalists
ASME Awards for Design, Photography and Illustration BEST PRINT ILLUSTRATIONS Honors illustrations published in magazines see finalists
ASME Awards for Design, Photography and Illustration BEST DIGITAL ILLUSTRATIONS Honors illustrations published digitally see finalists
ASME Awards for Design, Photography and Illustration BEST ILLUSTRATED STORY Honors visual narrative published in magazines and online see finalists