Honors the outstanding use of video by magazines and websites

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 Mother Jones - Video

Mother Jones
Clara Jeffery, Editor in Chief
Failure to Protect,” reported by Samantha Michaels, produced by Mark Helenowski, August 9 on YouTube

Cook's Illustrated - Video

Cook's Illustrated
Dan Souza, Editor in Chief
What’s Eating Dan: Asparagus,” March 25 on YouTube


Eater - Video

Stephanie Wu, Editor in Chief
How One of Philly's Best Pizza Spots Creates Jobs for the Formerly Incarcerated,” produced by Carla Francescutti, June 4 on YouTube

Insider - Video

Nicholas Carlson, Global Editor in Chief
The True Cost of Crisis Pregnancy Centers,” produced by Katie Nixdorf, Noah Lewis and Robert Leslie, October 24 on YouTube


The New Yorker - Video 

The New Yorker
David Remnick, Editor
American Scar,” directed and produced by Daniel Lombroso, April 30, and “Nuisance Bear,” directed by Jack Weisman and Gabriela Osio Vanden, October 19, at