ASME AWARD FOR FICTION Honors magazines and websites for overall excellence in the publication of fiction
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WINNER The Georgia Review Gerald Maa, Director and Editor "After God, Fear Women," by Eloghosa Osunde, Spring, "Come With Me," by Nishanth Injam, Summer, and “Copper Queen,” by Aryn Kyle, Fall
Judges' Citation Transnational in scope, these stories were precise and lush, never clichéd. More broadly, they display a level of vision, sophistication and quality that sets The Georgia Review apart.
Harper's Magazine Christopher Beha, Editor “Greensleeves,” by Hermione Hoby, July, “Place of Safety,” by Tony Earley, August, and “Women Corinne Does Not Actually Know,” by Rebecca Makkai, September

McSweeney's Quarterly Claire Boyle, Editor "Bears Among the Living," by Kevin Moffett, Issue 63, "The Mating Call," by Mikkel Rosengaard, Issue 63, and “An Unlucky Man,” by Samanta Schweblin, translated by Megan McDowell, Issue 65

The New Yorker David Remnick, Editor "Good-Looking,” by Souvankham Thammavongsa, March 1, “Featherweight,” by Sterling HolyWhiteMountain, April 5, and “Selection Week,” by hurmat kazmi, August 16

Stranger's Guide Kira Brunner Don, Editor in Chief Joanna Yas, Literary Editor “A Beginner's Guide to Estrangement,” by Saïd Sayrafiezadeh, Tehran issue, “A Sudden Liberating Thought,” by Kjell Askildsen, translated by Seán Kinsella, Scandinavia issue, and “King of the Tyrant Lizards,” by Malerie Willens, California issue